Time to get to the paper stuff. I really like to work in print. It's great to hold something in your hand when the project is finished. Maybe I feel that way because of my age. When I started in the 1980s most layouts were done on light tables with Xacto knives instead of computers.

I've done projects in Quark XPress, Adobe PageMaker and Adobe InDesign. InDesign pretty much owns the market now.


The Dirt


The Dirt on Indy Family Farms is a bi-yearly newsletter for Indy Family Farms. I do layout and design in InDesign with output as a press quality PDF.


Cd cover for classical conductorCD cover for rockers.

The two CD covers above are both Quark projects on which all of the layout and design were mine. Not complicated but fun. If you click you'll get a window with front and back of the "Lost Along the Way" CD. Enjoy.

Tech Trends is the monthly journal of the AECT. I did a couple of covers. Super simple template-based page layout.

Magazine cover. Girl at computer. New background and web page dropped inTechnos Journal cover. Redesign and move to Quark XPress

For Technos, the Journal of the Agency for Instructional Technology, I helped with a major redesign in 2001. Part of it was moving the publication from PageMaker to Quark. We also went from an institutional look to a more glossy, high tech feel cutting the cost per issue by more than 30%.


Book cover.Sell sheets quick!


Books and stuff, boy do we have books and stuff. The book with the cool cover is part of a series so it needed to look a lot like the predecessor. A nice Quark job with a simple chapter, pull quote, and tips in the margin kind of layout.

The brochures were a PageMaker project and an extreme rush job. I got the Word doc for each product, the color scheme for the website these had to match, and the EPSs of the logos on Monday night and had to have eight of them to the printer Wednesday morning. Fun. But a happy client was the result.

Guess I 'd take a couple more gigs like that!


So, I know you're asking, "What about catalogs, Sam?". Well I did four course catalogs a year while at AIT for convention breakouts and the like. Thing is, once inside where I worked, they look a lot like phone books. Without the pretty pictures and colors. Just block after block of course name, day, time, and room# followed by a description. I won't bother you, or pay for the bandwidth, for stuff that interesting.

Aren't you glad?