This is my Photoshop page. Most of my Photoshop work has involved straight retouching, if you notice it I did something wrong. I do have a couple of images that look like what most people think of when they think of Photoshop. Since I got my start as a Photographer and darkroom worker I just think like I'm still in the darkroom, I just miss the smell of fix.
A CD cover I did for a local band. It's a straight black-and white photo that I did a duotone on. I adjusted the ink curve to get the sky to posterize. With that is a book cover I put together for Technos Press. The book is about technology changing how teachers can teach in the 21st century. I searched for images at Photodisc that were appropriate and then proceeded to assemble the composite so that the traditional led toward the technological.
Now it's time for the straight retouching. Basically these all have had backgrounds cleaned, hair cleaned up, blemishes fixed, color adjusted, etc. For the group photo I was a landscaper - I added foliage to cover bare spots and one of the boss-type people had their eyes closed in the best shot so I borrowed his, or her, head from another shot. No need for anyone to look bad in a group photo ever again. I've also replaced eyes on headshots so the customer can pick the best of each shot and get the perfect headshot. Again, you really shouldn't notice anything. Guess who forgot her medal?